How can I get involved with Mafu

Through Mafu, you can help specific families fleeing war.

As an individual you can take part in the requests published on our Instagram account @help_mafu. Each request belongs to one specific family.

If you don't feel like following up on family requests, you can let us know via the form what material assistance you can provide and we will get back to you when we find a match with a family.

Our initiative does not have a dispensary for humanitarian aid - we do not want to store things for which we have no use. We want to work efficiently and together, and so create social contact, which is very important for people in critical situations. Many of our donors remain in contact with the family they have helped.

Do you want to help Mafu as an organisation?

Help us in our mission to help. Your financial support, material assistance, media visibility or contribution as a professional are essential to sustain our long-term ability to help.

In addition to individual families, we also help different facilities where several families are accommodated, and it is to these places that we direct our partners' help.

To get involved as a business,contact us.