If you would like to participate as an individual, follow our @help_mafu instagram account and wait for a request from your area.
For example, if you are from Trnava, you can participate in every request from Trnava, as long as you have the items from the list you'll find listed under that particular post. You can participate by leaving a comment, telling us what items from the list you can offer to the family.
If we choose you as a donor, we will reach out to you via message to go over the status and specific list of items and direct you to the family. Posts that we've already handled are marked in the text as "handled" and posts that are active are marked in the text as "active" and you can easily track them down using hashtags as well.
For example, for Bratislava, type #aktivnebratislava into the Instagram search engine. Use the same key to search for requests from other cities.
If you want to check all the active posts, search for #aktivnemafu.